Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ahhh...what a week so far...thank goodness its already Wednesday....

So, its been almost a week.  Saturday, we went to the National Apple Harvest Festival, and after a very short time there, I had to use a 'port-a-pot', we DO NOT get along [a few years back, I dropped one of Charlies shirt's IN the 'pot', lol WHOOPS], well this time, I managed to loose money out of my back pocket!  It was almost $100, I'm a GENIUS I know!!  I don't know if it went in the 'pot' or if I just dropped it on the floor in there!  Didn't notice it was gone, until I was about to buy something.  And, well you know, NO ONE is that honest and had I gone back for it, it would not have been there!!  All in all, though...GREAT time!! Oh...funny story..well mil came with us, and she always likes to get a bag of Apples before we leave, and we always get Apple Cider, so not only did we have TOO much to lug on the dang buses, lol, also we had two gallons of Apple Cider and a bag of apples, WELL, we get back to the parking lot, to find a HUGE stand selling Apples and Apple Cider!!  You just DO NOT know how hard it is to get on and off a FULL bus with all of this 'baggage'! haha

OK...enough of that! lol

Sunday, Blaine and Sabrina came up to watch the game, Sabrina and I had some good 'ol girl time, while Lily napped [not for long, lol]  and the boys worked in the coming SOON! :)

Monday...hmm...Oh yea, cleaned out the Guinea Pig cage, and gave Maxwell a haircut.  Tuesday...Lily and I went to my moms, she watched Lily for me, so that I could get my nails done, THANK  And Wednesday...that's today, lol...  Lily and I went to Joann's and got the 'cow print' fabric I need to finish Lily's 'Jessie' costume! :)  HOPEFULLY gonna get all of that done tomorrow!!  She is gonna look SO cute!! :)

That's all for now...

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